BIO insulation materials for Enhancing the Energy performance of Buildings (BIO4EEB)Call for proposals: HORIZON-CL4-2022-RESILIENCE-01 Topic: HORIZON-CL4-2022-RESILIENCE-01-16 Type of action: HORIZON Innovation…Learn more
CoSt redUction and enhanced PERformance of PV systemsCoSt redUction and enhanced PERformance of PV systems Call for…Learn more
Piloting novel cost-competitive bifacial IBC technology for vertical integrated European GW scale PV production value chain (IBC4EU)Piloting novel cost-competitive bifacial IBC technology for vertical integrated European…Learn more
Greenest – Innovative green electricity generation and storage solutions for e-transportInnovative green electricity generation and storage solutions for e-transport. Project…Learn more
AIDABEL – Commercialization of R&D results of the product “Intelligent Photovoltaic Power Optimization Platforms (AIDABEL)”Commercialization of R&D results of the product “Intelligent Photovoltaic Power…Learn more
InoPVInoPV – Fotoelektros technologijų klasterio inovacijų skatinimo sistemos sukūrimas fotoelektros…Learn more
Development of production technology for semi-flexible solar modules with both active surfaces, production and testing of the final version of the modules01.2.1-MITA-T-851 Inočekiai Development of production technology for semi-flexible solar modules…Learn more
Conducting technological studies and drawing up a recipe for the production of a tandem double-sided solar module made of α-Si-c-Si-α-Si solar cells based on them01.2.1-MITA-T-851 Inočekiai The production technology and recipe for production of…Learn more
SOL: Solar Energy for Multi-Family Buildings in LithuaniaProject Financing: European Climate Initiative (EUKI) Project duration: September 2018/…Learn more
TEST-4-SMELaboratory network for testing, characterisation and conformity assessment of electronic…Learn more
EFFIHEAT-DEMOEFFIHEAT-DEMO – Development of high EFFiciency Stirling HEAT pump The…Learn more
PVPLIUS+Development of Photovoltaic Technology Cluster’s Open Access R&D Infrastructure (PVPLIUS+)…Learn more
EFFIHEATEFFIHEAT – Development of high EFFiciency Stirling HEAT pump…Learn more
PVPLUSPhotovoltaic Technology Cluster’s Open Access R&D Infrastructure (PVPLIUS) ERDF Project…Learn more
SELFLEXSELFLEX – Demonstration of SELF-formation based FLEXible solar cells manufacturing technology…Learn more