Our projects


Projects, Renewable Energy Generation & Saving
InoPV – Fotoelektros technologijų klasterio inovacijų skatinimo sistemos sukūrimas fotoelektros sektoriaus konkurencingumo užtikrinimui Projekto Nr. 01.2.1-LVPA-K-833-01-0004 Priemonė: 01.2.1-LVPA-K-833 Inoklaster LT Projekto finansavimas: iš Europos Sąjungos struktūrinių fondų lėšų Projekto vykdytojas:…

Green PE

Photovoltaics technologies, Projects
Green PE – Power Electronics for Green Energy Efficiency New materials for advanced power electronics. Boosting efficiency in conversion, transmission and consumption of green energy. http://balticgreenpower.eu/ https://www.linkedin.com/groups/12000339 17 research institutions,…


Photovoltaics technologies, Projects
SMART-FLeX – Demonstration at industrial scale of the FLeXible manufacturing of SMART multifunctional photovoltaic building elements Project number: 322434 Funding scheme: Collaborative project EU contribution: 2,914,482.00 EUR Total budget: 4,817,368.40…


Preparation of the Vismaliukai Investment Innovation Zone (VIZI) Infrastructure for the Territory Development. Phase 2 Project code: VP2-1.4-moe-04-V-03-001 Project applicant – Northtown Technology Park. Project partners: • UAB Start Vilnius;…


Photovoltaics technologies, Projects
Development of Photovoltaic Technology Cluster’s Open Access R&D Infrastructure (PVPLIUS+) ERDF Project No: VP2-1.4-ŪM-02-K-02-006 Photovoltaic Technology Cluster’s intense activity of recent years has enabled a timely identification of one of…


Photovoltaics technologies, Projects
SOLARROK – European PV clusters 7 European regions and 9 countries have joined forces to foster the technological and process related innovation in PV http://www.solarrok.eu Duration: December 2012 – December…


Photovoltaics technologies, Projects
SOLGAIN – Competitive stationary low concentrating solar module of novel design http://www.solgain.eu/ Project number: 315663 Funding scheme: Research for the benefit of specific groups EU contribution: 929,000.00 € Total budget:…


Photovoltaics technologies, Projects
Photovoltaic Technology Cluster’s Open Access R&D Infrastructure (PVPLIUS) ERDF Project No: VP2-1.4-ŪM-02-K-01-001 The Photovoltaic Technology Cluster was founded in 2008 aiming to increase the international competitiveness of Lithuanian photovoltaic industry…


Photovoltaics technologies, Projects
Photovoltaic Technologies for Business (PV4B) Aim of the project – to create a long-term partnership between the Photovoltaic Technology Cluster private entities and academic and research institutions to promote R…


Photovoltaics technologies, Projects
SELFLEX – Demonstration of SELF-formation based FLEXible solar cells manufacturing technology http://selflex.protechnology.lt The main scientific and technological objectives of the project are implemented on industrial laboratory scale: flexibility of technology through…