SOLARROK – European PV clusters 7 European regions and 9 countries have joined forces to foster the technological and process related innovation in PV

Duration: December 2012 – December 2015
Funding: Regions of Knowledge-Programme under FP7 (Capacities).
Budget: The total budget is 3 mio EUR of which the European Comission contributes 2,26 mio EUR
Coordination: Dr. Sabine Schmidt, Solar Valley GmbH

The project partners carry out a 3-years workplan to strengthen the Photovoltaics (PV) innovation-driven research and industry. The future of the PV sector is taken into focus starting from a regional level to transnational action. Central issue of the project is to develop and integrate a Joint Action Plan (JAP) which is set up based on regional analyses and innovation strategies. By close dialog with all triple helix stakeholders (business, research, and public authorities) the JAP will be implemented as a strategic instrument for the European PV Solar Energy clusters.

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