Rudzikas, M.; Donėlienė, J.; Bužavaitė-Vertelienė, E.; Balevičius, Z.; Leuvrey, C.; Šetkus, A. Design and investigation of 1D photonic crystal based structures for BIPV cell colorization by sol-gel dipping technology. Solar Energy, Volume 250, 2023, Pages 285-294, ISSN 0038-092X,

Department of
Measurements and characterization of the PV cells and PV modules;
Investigation of the specialized coatings and coating technologies for solar cells and PV modules;
Novel PV module production technologies;
Exploring various materials (glass, plastics, and metals) improving PV modules optical, mechanical, and thermal properties;
Low environmental impact PV modules, PV modules based on recyclable materials;
Prototyping of novel PV modules;
Economical evaluation of the novel PV module technologies.
Contact person: Dr. Juras Ulbikas
Rudzikas, M.; Pakalka, S.; Donėlienė, J.; Šetkus, A. Exploring the Potential of Pure Germanium Kesterite for a 2T Kesterite/Silicon Tandem Solar Cell: A Simulation Study. Materials. 2023; 16(18):6107.
Tadas Paulauskas, Vaidas Pačebutas, Viktorija Strazdienė, Andrejus Geižutis, Jan Devenson, Mindaugas Kamarauskas, Martynas Skapas, Rokas Kondrotas, Mantas Drazdys, Matas Rudzikas, Benjaminas Šebeka, Viliam Vretenár & Arūnas Krotkus. Performance assessment of a triple-junction solar cell with 1.0 eV GaAsBi absorber. Discover Nano 18, 86 (2023).
Donėlienė, J.; Fataraitė-Urbonienė, E.; Danchova, N.; Gutzov, S.; Ulbikas, J. The influence of the precursor’s nature and drying conditions on the structure, morphology, and thermal properties of TiO2 aerogels // Gels, MDPI, 2022, vol. 8, , iss. 7, art. no. 422, p. 1-16.
Presentations at Conferences
Baležentis, A.; Dubravskij, P.; Fataraitė-Urbonienė, E.; Ulbikas, J.; Donėlienė, J.; Rudzikas, M.. Evaluation quality of a light-weight / plastic-based PV modules // Advanced materials and technologies: book of abstracts of 25th international conference-school, 21-25 August 2023, Palanga, Lithuania. Kaunas : Kaunas university of technology. ISSN 2669-1930. 2023, P92, p. 133.
Donėlienė, J.; Fataraitė-Urbonienė, E.; Ulbikas, J. Thermal stability of subcritical dried TiO2 aerogels prepared by sol-gel synthesis // 20th international conference on nanosciences & technologies, 4-7 July 2023, Thessaloniki, Greece: book of abstracts. Thessaloniki : [s.n.]. 2023, p. 117.
Baležentis, A.; Ulbikas, J.; Dubravskij, P.; Fataraitė-Urbonienė, E.; Donėlienė, J.; Rudzikas, M.; Exploring Various Plastic Combinations and Assessing Quality of Lightweight PV Modules, 13th //International Conference & Exhibition on Green Flexible Printed Electronics Industry (ICEFPE23) and AGRIVOLTAICS 2023 , Link to program
Ulbikas, J.. Trends in Photovoltaic Technology and Challenges for Research Community“// NIBS conference 2023: Nanotechnology and innovation in the Baltic Sea region, July 3-5, 2023, Sønderborg, Denmark. [S.l.] : [s.n.]. 2023, p. 23.
CoSt redUction and enhanced PERformance of PV systems
Piloting novel cost-competitive bifacial IBC technology for vertical integrated European GW scale PV production value chain (IBC4EU)
Greenest – Innovative green electricity generation and storage solutions for e-transport
Infrastructure & Services
Investigation of solar cells with different architectures and production technologies covers comprehensive set of the measurement methods allowing in-deep solar cells quality analysis.
- Evaluation of the spectral response
- Evaluation of external and internal quantum efficiency
- Evaluation of the reflectance
- Evaluation of the contact and emitter layer resistance
- Mapping of contact and emitter layer resistance
- Mapping of shunt resistance
- Mapping of open-circuit voltage and short-circuit current
- Measurement of I-V characteristics at particular irradiance
- Measurement of solar cell series resistance
- 3D surface mapping
- Measurement of solar cell thickness
- Resistance measurement and evaluation of resistance temperature coefficient
On our experimental setups we are implementing comprehensive set of measurements and characterization of novel PV modules production technologies with further evaluation under accredited laboratory environment according PV testing standards. It covers:
- identification of modules performance,
- accelerated ageing testing,
- heil testing,
- Investigation of gell content in lamination polymer films
Experimental solar modules production facilities allow development of innovative bifacial, flexible and semi-flexible modules using innovative cells and materials for back sheet, front sheet and encapsulant.
- Full set of the processes required for PV modules assembling:
- stringing of the cells,
- layup,
- bussing,
- lamination,
- connection of junction box.