SMART-FLeX – Demonstration at industrial scale of the FLeXible manufacturing of SMART multifunctional photovoltaic building elements

Project number: 322434
Funding scheme: Collaborative project
EU contribution: 2,914,482.00 EUR
Total budget: 4,817,368.40 EUR
Start of the project: 1st November 2014
Duration: 36 months

Building integrated photovoltaics (BIPV) is a promising area while it is still considered as a novelty dedicated only to exclusive construction. However, BIPV potential is much greater and many more solutions could be developed and BIPV could become a broadly accepted technology if the main barriers, hindering the market deployment are overcome. SMART-FLeX consortium aims to address the identified needs for overcoming the main barriers of BIPV market deployment by proposing the collaborative project with the following overall objective: to demonstrate the multi-functional glass/glass PV building element as plug & play AC device for safe and easy installation into building electricity system. Demonstration of such device will cover both levels:

(i) demonstration of flexibility and adaptability of manufacturing the customised design PV building elements, allowing harmonious integration in buildings, and (ii) demonstration of such BIPV products in the building envelope.

Wide deployment of BIPV, as low carbon technology, would contribute to the achievement of the goals of diversification of European energy portfolio and climate change. If successfully demonstrated SMART-FLeX solution will lead to fast market replication and enhance large deployment of BIPV in short term, also contributing to the market share of RES increase in 6,73% and CO2 savings in 238 k tonnes during ten years after implementation.

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