Digital solutions

Digital solutions

Department of
Digital Tehnologies

Energy System Modeling and Simulation: Developing sophisticated models that simulate and analyze the behavior of renewable energy systems under various scenarios and conditions. 

AI and Machine Learning for Energy Prediction: Using AI to predict energy production, demand, and consumption patterns with high accuracy, helping to optimize grid management and energy distribution. 

Climate Impact Analysis: Analyzing the impact of renewable energy adoption on climate change, helping to develop strategies that mitigate environmental risks while meeting energy needs.

Contact person: Skirmantė Baležentienė


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Presentations at Conferences

Mačėnaitė, L.; Lugas, D.; Fataraitė-Urbonienė, E.. Machine learning methods for the prediction of abraded butadiene-styrene rubber surface roughness // Materials science = Medžiagotyra. Kaunas : KTU. ISSN 1392-1320. eISSN 2029-7289. 2023, vol. 29, no. 1, p. 126-131.


SMART-FLeX – Demonstration at industrial scale of the FLeXible manufacturing…

REDIGA – a spin-off company of PROTECH digital technologies department.

Digitalizing the Future
of Renewable Energy

The PROTECH‘s Department of Digital Technologies is leading the way in transforming the renewable energy sector. Our mission leverages smart module level power electronics, digital simulations and analysis to tackle critical energy challenges, aiming for a sustainable and efficient future. Our multidisciplinary team excels in data science, computer simulations, and renewable technologies, utilizing big data and AI to offer insights into renewable energy systems. This expertise supports informed decision-making for greener solutions. We are committed to driving innovation and sustainability, making significant strides towards reducing carbon emissions and enhancing global energy security. Through our efforts, we’re not just advancing technology—we’re shaping a sustainable future. 

Infrastructure & Services


Performance monitoring: temperature, power, current, meteorological impact through

Data collection, logging and analysis of tested PV modules and electronics from observed units and sensors

Simulation of different technology of PV module power, current modes under 

Validation of analytical and numerical models