Preparation of the Vismaliukai Investment Innovation Zone (VIZI) Infrastructure for the Territory Development. Phase 2
Project code: VP2-1.4-moe-04-V-03-001
Project applicant – Northtown Technology Park.
Project partners:
• UAB Start Vilnius;
• Photovoltaic Technology and Business Association;
• Applied Research Institute for the Prospective Technologies
Project goal is to strengthen the Lithuanian innovation system in order to attract foreign investors and increase the competitiveness of country’s high-tech companies by creating VIZI infrastructure and communications. The main objective is to create a basis for the development of VIZI area in which the project applicant and partners will ensure a public-private partnership with the surrounding universities and Sunrise Valley. This, in turn, will allow companies’ investment in industrial research, technology, production, product testing, buildings and human resources training for business and industry. The vision of the project concept is based on” VIZI Smart Urban Development”.