On October 3, Dr. Juras Ulbikas participated in the Euro-Mediterranean Innovation Marketplace, Cairo, where, by the invitation of the organizers during Project Pitches session made a presentation “Support Cost-Reduction Of the PV System Through Innovative Technologies on PV, Super PV”. The talk was intended to present the results of the together with 27 international partners successfully implemented H2020 program project “CoSt redUction and enhanced PERformance of PV systems, Super PV” (https://www.superpv.eu/). The SUPER PV project was selected among 47 out of 448 projects as having very high potential for scalability and potential impact on such application areas as modernization of the electric power systems and the production, storage and infrastructure related to green hydrogen, or address approaches to alleviate water scarcity and draught in rural areas.
The Euro-Mediterranean Innovation Marketplace 2024 is an annual event organized by the European Commission in collaboration with the Union for the Mediterranean (UfM). This event aims to showcase the results of research and innovation (R&I) projects funded through various EU programmes (H2020, Horizon Europe, PRIMA) and beyond, as well as explore collaboration opportunities among various regional stakeholders.
More about event: https://euromedim.com/
Moments from the event: