BIPV in Baltic countries Trade mission to Vilnius, Lithuania
SOLARROK is a network of 8 European clusters committed to boost competitiveness of the European photovoltaics industry.
The SOLARROK network stands for 600 companies & 40 research institutes across all over Europe:
Navarra (Spain), Rhône-Alps (France), Central Germany, Slovenia, Austria, Lithuania, Belgium,
Netherlands, Belgium and Norway. The consortium puts a considerable power in motion facilitating
collaboration within joint projects within Europe as well to outreach to extra-European markets.
Several actions are currently organised that will help to establish and share bridgeheads within European
Union as well as in the most interesting emerging markets for PV for example in Tunisia, Egypt or Turkey.
This coordinated market presence of the European PV key players and innovation forces should create a
win-win situation for all involved actors and strengthen Europe’s PV common voice in the rapidly
developing markets for solar power.
Solarrok BIPV mission to Lithuania final agenda
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BIPV in Baltic countries
Trade mission to Vilnius, Lithuania
19-20 May 2015
A unique opportunity to meet
major Eastern Europe PV players, industry and research institutions
• Business opportunities in Vilnius Sunrise Valley
• Partnerships for innovative construction projects
• Networking for R&D projects in Horizon 2020
Organised by the SOLARROK clusters, this mission addresses
European manufacturers, designers, architects, building engineers,
developers and investors concerned with BIPV.