Laboratory network for testing, characterisation and conformity assessment of electronic products developed by SMEs
9 research insistutions and companies
Duration: 36 months (2017 – 2020)
Budget: 1.78 mln.€
Funding: 1.45 mln.€ European Regional Development fund
Interreg Baltic Sea Region Programme
Coordinator: Tartu Observatory (Tartu University)
TEST-4-SME initiates an innovation support network in the Baltic Sea region to provide testing and consultation for electronics SMEs (small and medium-sized enterprises) during early product development. Tests and consultations focus on how to demonstrate conformity with international standards. All electronic products need to prove conformity to standards, which requires testing of product prototypes. Early stage testing can help avoid failures in later stages and can thus save costs.
The network members advise and train enterprises’ staff in conforming to standards and share knowledge across the network to improve the quality and efficiency of testing in order to speed up the process of product development for electronics enterprises.
In the scope of the project, seven enterprises test the network’s services. The project compiles a list of electronics testing labs, creates governing rules for the network and analyses demand for existing testing services in the region. The network is open to other electronic testing labs. Some investments into testing equipment are planned. Laboratory staff is to be trained. Testing services are evaluated and the long-term sustainability strategy planned.