PROTECH participated as a speaker in the informative webinar titled “Kuriame ateities saulės energetikos technologijas. Lietuvos mokslo ir inovatorių pasiekimai ir indėlis,” held on March 22, 2024. Our presentation focused on the advancements in colored module technology and the vital role of comprehensive testing for photovoltaic (PV) modules.
The session included detailed insights from Matas Rudzikas of the Institute of Applied Research on Prospective Technologies, who discussed the development of next-generation colored modules by phD candidate Matas Rudzikas, and Darius Nislaitis from the Testing Laboratory PROTECHLAB, who emphasized the importance of rigorous quality assessment in an accredited setting.
The webinar offered a platform to explore current innovations in the field of solar energy technologies in Lithuania, and we were pleased to contribute to the dialogue on these critical advancements.